Wednesday 28 October 2015

Ask Data Anything - Election results example

In modern organizations, data management is a major issue and at the same time a major resource. In our experience, the first challenge a business that wants to use its data is facing how to have a unified view of their data. Generally data inside organizations is stored in different databases that have often proprietary API making it difficult to move from one database to the other. Furthermore, also when the technology used to store data is the same, there are still semantic problems like different terminologies, languages etc.

The bigger the company is, the lower the possibility to standardize the procedures are, so that these kind of situations will not happen. This happens because we are human and we naturally tend to interpret data using our own experience and knowledge. Thus we cannot expect the technical team to call all pieces of a car using the exact same terminology as the logistic department. This is why, our solution aims at giving the possibility to standardize the way in which the end user interact with the data without actually changing the source of the data.

Ask Data Anything (ADA), allows companies to add a semantical layer on top of the data without the need of copying data. The product is managing term disambiguation, aggregation of data using hierarchies defined in ontologies, data integration between different data sources.

Wednesday 21 October 2015

Ask Data Anything - NYPD Motor vehicle accidents

In modern organizations, data management is a major issue and at the same time a major resource. In our experience, the first challenge a business that wants to use its data is facing how to have a unified view of their data. Generally data inside organizations is stored in different databases that have often proprietary API making it difficult to move from one database to the other. Furthermore, also when the technology used to store data is the same, there are still semantic problems like different terminologies, languages etc.

The bigger the company is, the lower the possibility to standardize the procedures are, so that these kind of situations will not happen. This happens because we are human and we naturally tend to interpret data using our own experience and knowledge. Thus we cannot expect the technical team to call all pieces of a car using the exact same terminology as the logistic department. This is why, our solution aims at giving the possibility to standardize the way in which the end user interact with the data without actually changing the source of the data.

Ask your Data Anything (ADA), allows companies to add a semantical layer on top of the data without the need of copying data. The product is managing term disambiguation, aggregation of data using hierarchies defined in ontologies, data integration between different data sources.

Thursday 15 October 2015

Example of using SWRL built-ins with Solar System ontology.

Introduction to SWRL

Semantic Web Rule Language (SWRL for short) is a combination of OWL DL and OWL Lite sub-languages of OWL Web Ontology. It is possible to write ontology with SWRL built-ins in Ontorion Fluent Editor. One of such example of ontology written by using Semantic Web Rule Language is Cognitum's Solar System Ontology.

To follow along open Fluent Editor, go to File -> New and type Solar System. Double click on the template to open.

Friday 9 October 2015

Using RDF Data Cube Vocabulary to model sales data with Fluent Editor - Example.

RDF Data Cube Vocabulary is a way to represent data in popular format with link data paradigms. Linked data is an approach to publishing data on a web and this vocabulary makes it possible. There are numerous benefits to linked data. The individual observations, and groups of observations, become (web) addressable. This allows publishers ad third parties to annotate and link to this data. For example a report can reference the specific figures it is based on allowing for fine grained provenance trace-back. Representing any data set with these benefits is now possible with Controlled Natural Language in Fluent Editor and it has never been so easy.