Monday 24 August 2015

Example of energy industry ontology with external references in Fluent Editor

Modern energy sector is a wide area of industry, that concerns numerous aspects, like energy efficiency in different regions, renewable energy sources, energy companies' specializations and many others. Due to the variety of information, it is often difficult to get comprehensive answers to questions about specific fields. Semantic Technology allows to manage this knowledge in a simple and flexible way. It provides versatile description of reality, that is understand and can be adjusted to give complete, comprehensive information in chosen areas. This article presents simple ontology written in Fluent Editor, describing energy industry. It contains information about energy companies, regions and ecological aspects of their activities. You can download this sample ontology through the following link: EnergeoOnt.encnl

Friday 21 August 2015

Using SWRL built-ins in CNL ontology

The Semantic Web Rule Language (SWRL) is an expressive OWL-based rule language. SWRL extends OWL syntax which allows users to write rules with more powerful deductive reasoning capabilities than OWL alone. SWRL built-ins are one of SWRL’s powerful features, which are predicates to be used to manipulate data values in SWRL rules.

From the latest version, Fluent Editor supports a number of core SWRL built-ins defined in SWRL Built-in Submission. In this post, we will introduce two examples of applying some of SWRL core built-ins to your CNL ontology.

Friday 7 August 2015

SKOS and BibTeX in Creating Semantic Ontology on Medical Articles

There are numerous projects that can serve as useful foundations for forming your ontology. One of such projects is Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS), a W3C Recommendation.
SKOS provides a standard way to represent knowledge organization systems such as thesauri, classification schemes using the RDF. Another project is BibTeX, a method of marking up bibliographic data, primarily for use in LaTeX documents, but also useful for generic bibliographic storage.

With Fluent Editor, you can utilize both projects through importing them as references, which can be useful for expressing better organization of knowledge. In this post, we will present how SKOS and BibTeX can be utilized in creating your ontology. Data used in the following ontology is based on an excerpt from a list of medical articles on PubMed Central (PMC).