Active rules is the mechanism Fluent Editor provides for executing custom
imperative code in C# upon meeting certain criteria described as SWRL rules. Considering that standard SWRL rule axioms consist of two parts, an antecedent (body) and consequent (head), the body part of active rules exactly follows the standard format of SWRL rules. The difference from standard SWRL lies on the head part, on which you can add your custom C# code as a set of execution commands. We provide some mechanism to deal with the nature of distributed environments through a set of core built-ins. Available functions to use in active rules are as follows:
- KnowledgeInsert(string knowledge) : Inserts knowledge into your ontology.
- KnowledgeDelete(string knowledge) : Deletes knowledge into your ontology.
- WriteMessage(string msg) : Prints msg on Active Rules Output window.